Contract number:
Period of Performance:
04-22-2013 through 04-21-2028
Executed by the Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Dakota has been awarded a Master Contract for Consulting and Technical Services + (CATS +). Through this contract, Dakota is able to provide services for the State of Maryland in the following areas:
- Functional Area 1 - Enterprise Service Provider
- Functional Area 2 - Web and Internet Services
- Functional Area 5 - Software Engineering
- Functional Area 6 - Systems/Facilities Management and Maintenance
- Functional Area 7 - Information System Security
- Functional Area 10 - IT Management Consulting Services
- Functional Area 11 - Business Process Consulting Services
- Functional Area 17 - Documentation/Technical Writing
- Limited competition to prequalified pool of contractors
- Short Task Order response timeframe